Providing support to those who support others.

Working with funded agencies in the Grampians Region of Victoria to support change management, the sharing of good practice and encourage inclusive access and person centred care.
The objective of Sector Development is to provide support to CHSP service providers through reforms to the CHSP, in preparation for a new in-home aged care system, and to operate effectively in line with the objectives of the CHSP and within the context of the broader aged care system.
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The Grampians Region Sector Development Team is auspiced by Ballarat Community Health. 12 Lilburne Street, Lucas, 3350

What is Community Sector Development (CSD) Grampians?

This site has been developed by the Grampians Regional Sector Development Team (SDT) for members of the Grampians Region Service Provider Network. It focuses on supporting local Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC-PYP) agencies in the Grampians Region of Victoria. The Sector Development Team works with funded agencies to support change management, the sharing of good practice and encourage inclusive access and person centred care.  The objective of Sector Development is to provide support to CHSP service providers through reforms to the CHSP, in preparation for a new in-home aged care system, and to operate effectively in line with the objectives of the CHSP and within the context of the broader aged care system.

How is it funded?

The State and Commonwealth governments committed to jointly fund sector development and change management support to enable providers to continue to work confidently within the NDIS, the Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC-PYP) and Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) transitions, and to facilitate and encourage coordinated person-centred care and shared good practice.

What is the Grampians Sector Development Team?

The Grampians Regional Sector Development Team is auspiced by Ballarat Community Health. Through partnerships and networks, the Sector Development Team share information and support providers to manage change and to improve service access and delivery.

Specific strategies include:

  • Supporting CHSP and HACC-PYP funded organisations to be informed so that they can respond effectively to change in Aged Care and HACC-PYP;
  • Gathering intelligence on system wide issues, risks and opportunities;
  • Facilitating the embedding of a service delivery system change to put wellness and reablement first increasing client independence, wellbeing and satisfaction; and
  • By using a diversity lens, enhance access to services to those most marginalised.