Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity refers to what makes each of us unique including our personal characteristics, attributes and what is important to us.

Diversity and differences should be celebrated, respected, and appreciated to ensure every individual is included. For older people to have a positive and dignified ageing experience we must consider diversity and inclusion within Aged Care service delivery. It is necessary to respond appropriately to the diverse experiences and needs of eligible older people; reducing marginalisation, disadvantage and improving access to appropriate service delivery.The

Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) recognises that older people display the same diversity of characteristics and life experiences as the broader population and need to receive services which reflect their diverse needs. Each person may have specific social, cultural, linguistic, religious, spiritual, psychological, medical and care needs and may also identify with many diverse characteristics.
Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for older people will assist in ensuring there is equitable and accessible services for all. Diversity Planning is an important part of this. Understanding your community, who is present in your local community and what are some of the barriers these people are facing in accessing services will assist with:
  • Identifying any gaps in service delivery
  • Provide suggestions on how identified gaps could be remedied and
  • Assist with applying a person-centred care approach in line with the Aged Care Quality Stndards.
A whole of organisation approach to diversity planning is encouraged by linking it to quality improvement processes and accreditation standards. Understanding and embedding the principles of the National Aged Care Diversity Framework, and Action Plans within your continuous improvement plans is important.




Link To Source

Aged Care Diversity Framework

Department of Health (2017)
Aged Care Diversity Framework Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care


Aged Care Diversity Framework action plans Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care


Reducing duplication in Service Specific Assessments – CHSP Service Providers (by Kate Pascale and Associates)


Embedding a strengths-based approach in client conversations (by Kate Pascale and Associates)


Aged Care Quality Standards

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (2021)
Quality Standards


Guidance and resources for providers to support the Aged Care Quality Standards


Stronger Standards, Better Aged Care Program Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission


Charter of Aged Care Rights

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (2019)
Charter of Aged Care Rights


OPAN Charter of Aged Care Rights Explainer Video – Consumer Version


Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Manual

Department of Health (2023)

Connecting the Pieces

Consumer Mapping Webinar for CEO's, Board Members and Senior Leaders

EMR Alliance

Presented by Impacto Consulting. Hosted by Grampians Sector Development Team

Dementia Friendly Environments

Department of Health Victoria (2021)

Exploring Diversity & Wellness Tooklit: A Toolkit for Reflective Conversations

Grampians Sector Development Team (2022)

Memory Information and Support for First Nations Peoples

Grampians Sector Development Team (2020)

Understanding Dementia. Elaine's Story.

Grampians Sector Development Team (2022)

Understanding cultural differences. Bebie's Story

Grampians Sector Development Team (2022)